Tuesday, January 20, 2009

John Williams Inaugural Score

Today the 44th President was inaugurated. It is a historic day and therefore saturated with ceremony and grandeur. You may be asking, why discuss this on a blog devoted to movies? Because John Williams did the score. I guess The Star Spangled Banner isn't patriotic enough. When the announcer said John Williams, I didn't believe at first. I mean it's not like the inauguration was directed by Steven Spielberg.

The song was called Air and Simple Gifts, which is based on the Shaker hymn, Simple Gifts, of the nineteenth century. The piece was performed by Itzhak Perlman (violin) , Yo-Yo Ma (Cello), Anthony McGill (clarinet) and Gabriela Montero (piano). It was fucking awful. Just look at the reactions:
Sorry for the blurryness, but you can clearly see the boy in blue covering his ears

One young woman shakes with laughter at Williams' sorry excuse for an arrangment

What I don't understand why they chose Williams to make the music for the innaugural ceremony. As if it isn't historic unless it has an Oscar winning sound track. And why this stupid song? Williams has composed a plethora of great scores that would suit the occasion better.
This is what I would have submitted, if I were Williams:

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